Saturday, September 19, 2009

fashion hippies

This is a great link about fashion hippies - ah, such a relief to find that's not a total oxymoron! All right, I admit it, I'm a bit of a closet hippie. Yes, Jo, I admit it.

Along with wanting to work with eco-friendly fabrics (bamboo drapes really well) and vegetable-based dyes, I hope to somehow fuse my love of all things beautiful with my desire to uplift. If this ever gets off the ground and I can start getting my embroidery done in India (where the best embroidery is done), I'd like to work a little grama seva (village service) into the picture. If I have traditional artisans working for/with me, I can use that as a platform for starting some sort of program. I'd love to get in there and be responsible for a village. Since India is mostly rural, I'd feel like I was giving something back to the country that has given me so much inspiration.

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