Friday, July 24, 2009

the beginning

So I thought I'd begin to chronicle this crazy dream I'm chasing...I went to school for English and Religion and am now working in nonprofit...but want to be a fashion designer. 'Tis the era for crazy dreams, apparently. Everyone's talking about following your passion and how you don't have to go to school for a million years to pursue an I thought I'd say FU to all my sensible relatives and friends and just see where this goes. I'm finishing up a part-time garment construction course...which has been quite the ride. I want to blog this for all the people with wisps of dreams - if I can do this, maybe others can too.

The course finishes in two weeks and I'm lagging a bit behind the class. I bought material for my final assignment (a top), and it's the proverbial carrot dangling before me to motivate me to finish. It's yellow-pink-peach tie-die shot through with tiny silver stripes. Sounds very hippie-dippie but I assure you it's lovely. And I'm sewing a tunic top with tiny Indian-esque trim. Exactly the sort of garments I want to end up designing. This is exciting, really. Now I just hope I can complete my samples (waistband, curved hem, straight hem) and skirt.

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